“I wish it was longer than ten weeks. It’s helping push us out here onto the right path. No one is there for us who cares like that.”

–Jeffery, Lifted By Purpose participant

Lifted By Purpose (LBP), SKETCH’s newest collaborative community partner, provides innovative wellness programs for youth, 16-29, that teach stress-management techniques using the arts and other methods of coping – Meaningful, sustainable methods to better youth capacity of living productive and healthy lives.

Jeffrey, one Lifted Thursday participant who shares his story on meeting Lifted by Purpose Program Director Arifah Yusuf, and the impact the program has had on his life.

[button title=”READ FULL ARTICLE HERE” icon=”” icon_position=”” link=”http://sketch.ca/lifted-by-purpose-e-news-version/#.Vu4BV-IrKig” target=”_blank” color=”” font_color=”” large=”0″ class=”” download=”” onclick=””]

Established in 2012, Lifted by Purpose (LBP) is a trauma-informed creative enterprise with a focus on mental health and wellness.

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